Tyler, my dad and myself are going to Pickwick Lake for a couple of days next week. Having spent about 12 days up there the last 2 years we have found some good areas to fish. However, I am open to any suggestions and tips I can get. We are really looking forward to it. Pickwick is such a great fishery. I recommend that if you have not been there before you should put on list of lakes to fish.
Pickwick Lake
2 Responses to Pickwick Lake
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Ronnie, you may find this article helpful. Lloyd Pickett Jr gives some tips after a recent tournament on Pickwick. http://www.flwoutdoors.com/bassfishing/afs/tournament/2011/6575/pickwick-lake-headline-story/152494/picketts-pickwick-prominence/
David, Thanks for the info it will come in handy. We are really looking forward to the trip. Hopefully we will have some pictures to upload.